7th Serbian Conference on Spectral Line Shapes in Astrophysics
Zrenjanin, Serbia, June 15-19 2009


The registration form should be filled in and sent before February 01, 2009 to both following emails:

[email protected]
[email protected]


First Name:
Family Name:

Title of contribution:

Abstracts (one page) of contributions should be sent until March 01, 2009. The template for preparation of abstracts is avalaible here.

I propose the contribution as:
(put one of this options: IL - invited lecture; PR - progress report; P - poster)

Hotel reservation (Yes/No):
Double/Single room:
Need financial support (Yes/No):
Need invitation letter (Yes/No):


Your registration will be confirmed by email when we receive this form!

The second announcement with the list of contributions accepted by the Scientific Committee and preliminary list of invited lectures will be sent until April 01, 2009 only to registered participants.

Conference fee

The conference fees of 250eur (150eur for students) should be paid before February 01, 2009,  after that the conference fees will be 300eur (200eur for students). For the payments via bank transfer please use the following bank details.

Financial support

The Organizing Committees will try to find sources for financial support for a limited number of young participants (PhD students). The participants who are interested in financial support should send their request and one page abstract to the LOC until February 01, 2009.


Registration: February 01, 2009
Reduced-conference fee payment: February 01, 2009
Abstract submission: March 01, 2009
Second Announcement: April 01, 2009
Paper submission: June 19, 2009

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